Planning & Zoning

Welcome to Planning and Zoning

Granite Quarry is seen by those just passing through as a sleepy little southern town, but its citizens and leaders have big dreams for its future. The Planning Department is working to make those dreams come true!

Located slightly off the beaten path of I-85, Granite Quarry has grown slowly over the past decades, but as the Central Piedmont Region of North Carolina flourishes, our population growth will pick up speed. Recognizing the value of our small-town atmosphere and charm, the Town took steps to preserve and improve our downtown commercial area by adopting a Downtown Masterplan in January of 2016. Our Revitalization Team is tasked with implementation of that and other improvement plans for our Town.

Our updated Unified Development Ordinance, or UDO was adopted in November of 2016 and is used by staff, Aldermen, and the Planning Board to ensure quality development throughout the Town and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Our Zoning Map is being updated to mirror the changes made to the UDO and will be posted here soon. 

Under the direction of the Town Manager, the Town Planner coordinates projects with different Town Departments, Citizens, Boards, and Commissions as well as other public and private agencies to ensure that our Town remains a healthy and vibrant community with a high quality of life for its citizens. The Town Planner provides staff support for the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Revitalization Team, and the Town's Board of Aldermen. The Planning Board meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall and its meetings are open to the public.

Contact the Town Planner at (704)-279-5596, ext. 204 or by email.




Granite Quarry Planning Board




Term Expires

T1 Jerry Holshouser Town 7/31/2026
T2 Greg Summitt Town 7/31/2027
T3 Joe Hudson Town 7/31/2027
T4 Fred Krusemark Town 7/31/2027
E1 VACANT ETJ 7/31/2027
E2 Jared Mathis ETJ 7/31/2025
E3 Ronald Jacobs ETJ 7/31/2026
E4 Dolores Shannon ETJ 7/31/2025










►Planning Board Agendas
►Planning Board Rules of Procedure
►2025 Planning Board Regular Meeting Schedule


Granite Quarry Board of Adjustment




Term Expires

T1 Jeff Cannon Town 7/31/2025
T2 Joe Hudson Town 7/31/2027
T3 Jerry Holshouser Town 7/31/2026
E1 Shellie Stubbs ETJ 7/31/2025
E2 Greg Lowe ETJ 7/31/2027
ALT Greg Summitt Town 7/31/2027
ALT Fred Krusemark Town 7/31/2025
ALT Jared Mathis ETJ 7/31/2025
ALT Ronald Jacobs ETJ 7/31/2026
ALT Dolores Shannon ETJ 7/31/2025











►Board of Adjustment Rules of Procedure
The Board of Adjustment meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:15 p.m. when there is business.

Master Plans

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Planning and Zoning Forms


Zoning Maps

Please contact the Town Planner with questions regarding a specific parcel of land.

2024 Zoning Map (updated 2025)
2023 Zoning Map
2019 Zoning Map 
2017 Zoning Map 


Other Useful Links:

Click here for more maps and more information regarding the Granite Quarry 52 Bypass

Annual average daily traffic (AADT) volume maps that present the traffic average for a specific year at specific points on North Carolina's roads.

Rowan County Geographic Information System (GIS)

The Building Inspections Department is dedicated to ensuring safety to all Rowan County citizens by enforcing the North Carolina State Building Code. Our inspectors are authorized by the North Carolina General Statues to enforce the State Building Codes.