The Town operates under the Council-Manager form of government as provided in G.S. Chapter 160A, Article 7, Part 2. Under this form of government, the Council (a.k.a. “governing body”, “Board of Aldermen”, “Town Board”, “Board”) has the primary responsibility for establishing the general framework under which the government can meet the needs of the community and has a professional Manager to carry out Town policy and manage the Town government’s operations, departments, and personnel. The Council makes broad policy decisions, enacts town ordinances, and establishes the annual municipal levy of taxes, in all cases acting as a collective body to represent the best interest of the Town of Granite Quarry and its residents.
Granite Quarry’s Town Council has five members, consisting of a Mayor and four voting Council Members (Mayor only votes to break a tie). The qualified voters of the entire Town elect the members of the Council. Council members are elected to four-year staggered terms, and the Mayor is elected separately for a four year term as well. At the organizational meeting of the Council following each election, the Council appoints one of its members to serve as “Mayor Pro-Tem”, who fulfills the duties of Mayor in the Mayor’s absence.
The Mayor is the official head of the Town for the purpose of service of civil process and for ceremonial purposes. He or she presides over council meetings, is often the liaison among the Council to other political officials for advocating Council direction and goals, and may have other powers and duties as may be lawfully conferred upon him or her by the Council.

Brittany Barnhardt
Term Expires 2025

Doug Shelton
Mayor Pro-Tem
Term Expires 2027

John Linker
Council Member
Term Expires 2025

Laurie Mack
Council Member
Term Expires 2025

Rich Luhrs
Council Member
Term Expires 2027
Scheduled Meetings: The Town Council meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. These meetings are open to the public. Each regular meeting has an opportunity for public comments.
Regular Meeting Dates |
Day |
January 13, 2025 |
Monday |
February 10 |
Monday |
March 10 |
Monday |
April 14 |
Monday |
May 12 |
Monday |
June 9 |
Monday |
July 14 |
Monday |
August 11 |
Monday |
September 8 |
Monday |
October 13 |
Monday |
November 10 |
Monday |
December 8 |
Monday |