Police Report Request

To request copies of police incident reports, complete the form below which will be submitted electronically to the Granite Quarry Police.

FOR COLLISION REPORT: Based on the Federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act and NC General Statue, DMV-349 (crash reports) will require redaction of information protected by this act and statue.  Reports can be obtained from the Granite Quarry-Faith Police Department with redaction.  It is recommended that you work through your insurance company or the NC DMV website to obtain a copy of the report. 

Request NC DMV Collision Report

Requested public records will be produced promptly. The timing of a response will be dependent on the complexity of each request. Report requests could take up to 5 days to produce.

If requesting a printed report, the cost is $5 per report (emailed reports are free).

General Statute Information: NCGS Chapter 132, Public Records

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