
The Town of Granite Quarry will hold a legislative public hearing regarding amendments to the Granite Quarry Development Ordinance to repeal and replace “Article 19 - Stormwater” in its entirety, update the appropriate supporting language in “Article 16 - Subdivisions” to address both the changes to Stormwater related standards and references to Salisbury Rowan Utility water & sewer systems, deleting the Town’s authority regarding water & sewer policies, inserting the meaning of  “SRU” in “Article 3 - Definitions”,  and to amend Article 8, Section 8.4-8(E)(2) to reduce the setback along I-85 right-of-way from 24 feet to eight (8) feet.  The draft ordinance ZTA-2025-04-14 is available for review at Town Hall and the Planning Department page of the Town website Granite Quarry, NC > Government > Ordinances for review.

The Mayor and Town Council invite you to attend the hearing to share your comments on the proposed amendment to be held on Monday, April 14, 2025, at 6:00 PM or as early thereafter as the agenda progression allows, at the Granite Quarry Town Hall, 143 N. Salisbury Avenue, Granite Quarry, NC 28146. 

Hearing-impaired persons requiring assistance should contact the Town Clerk (704) 279-5596 at least 24 hours prior to the hearing to request special accommodations.