
The Town of Granite Quarry will hold a concurrent legislative public hearing regarding a petition for both Annexation and the initial zoning designation by Zoning Map Amendment (rezoning) of “Industrial” (IND) for the owner, Eagle Mountain Holdings LLC and Ambro and Sons LLP, of property located at 3006 Old Concord Road (Rowan County Parcel ID 402 062) by voluntary non-contiguous annexation into the town limits.  The property consists of approximately 1.16 acres.

The Town of Granite Quarry will hold a concurrent legislative public hearing regarding a petition for both Annexation and the initial zoning designation by Zoning Map Amendment (rezoning) of “Interstate Highway 85 Commercial District” (C-85) for the owner, Rowan Summit, LLC, of property located at 260 Tingle Drive, Salisbury NC 28146 (Rowan County Parcel ID 402C017) by voluntary non-contiguous annexation into the town limits.  The property consists of approximately 1.743 acres.

The Town of Granite Quarry will hold a legislative public hearing regarding a petition for a Zoning Map Amendment (rezoning) for the owners, S&M Finance Group LLC, 3117 Deertrack Lane, Monroe, NC 28110-8609, of property described as Rowan County Tax Parcels 648 1010000001 and 648 1010000002 amending the current zoning designation to update the Site Plan in accordance with G.S. 160D-604(b) and 160D-703(b) of “Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay” (TNDO-CZ) with conditions. The property consists of approximately 10.23 acres. 

The Mayor and Town Council invite you to attend the hearing(s) to share your comments on the proposed amendment(s) to be held on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 6:00 PM or as early thereafter as the agenda progression allows, at the Granite Quarry Town Hall, 143 N. Salisbury Avenue, Granite Quarry, NC  28146. 

Hearing impaired persons requiring assistance should contact the Town Clerk (704) 279-5596 at least 24 hours prior to the hearing to request special accommodations.