
The Town adopted “Town Plan 2040 – Comprehensive Land Use and Master Plan” on June 19, 2023 to prepare for growth pressures affecting public services.  In 2023 the Town and the City of Salisbury entered into an agreement that determines municipal services provided to certain areas in close proximity to both existing major highways and planned highway improvements. The agreement defined two areas for future service by the Town.  These areas were studied to identify land development concerns impacting delivery of services and the local economy. 

On June 3, 2024 the Granite Quarry Planning Board recommended the adoption of an update to “Town Plan 2040” to address growth issues facing the areas subject to the agreement in order to inform and guide decisions made by property owners, businesses, leadership and those seeking to invest in these areas and the Town’s jurisdiction.  The conclusions of the study initiative were to identify areas experiencing growth pressures now and expected to experience growth pressures when new highway improvements are made.  This resulted in plans to efficiently serve the affected areas while positioning property owners for successes that benefit the tax-payers.  

The draft Town Plan 2040 update and the draft Future Land Use Map are available for inspection at the Town Hall during normal business hours and may be viewed on the website at

The Mayor and Town Council invite you to attend a legislative hearing to learn about these updates and share comments on Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM.  The Hearing will be held at the Town of Granite Quarry Town Hall, 143 N. Salisbury Avenue, Granite Quarry, NC 28146

Hearing impaired persons requiring assistance should    contact    the    Town Clerk (704) 279-5598, Ext. 201 at least 24 hours prior to the hearing to request special accommodations.