Take Action to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
COVID-19 remains a serious concern for our community. Take the following steps to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community.
The 3W’s:
- WEAR (a cloth face covering over your mouth and nose anytime you exit your home)
- WASH (your hands often or use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not accessible)
- WAIT (at least 6 feet apart from anyone outside your immediate family)
Avoid the 3C’s:
- Crowded places (where many people are nearby or in close proximity to each other)
- Close-contact settings (where people have close-range conversations)
- Confined and enclosed spaces (with poor ventilation)
As a reminder, the risk of contracting COVID- 19 is even higher in places where all three of these factors overlap. Please see the illustration below.

In addition to practicing the 3W’s and 3C’s every day, you should continue to practice the following things as well:
- Clean items with disinfectant that may be used by multiple people
- When possible, open windows and doors for better ventilation
- Keep your hands clean and always cover your coughs and sneezes
- Wear your face mask so that it covers both your nose and your mouth
- If you are not feeling well, stay home unless you need urgent medical care
Remember we will never get ahead of this pandemic if everyone does not do their part to stop the transmission of this virus. Be a responsible citizen by practicing the 3Ws and avoiding the 3Cs!
from Rowan County Media Release: COVID-19 November 4, 2020